YMCA Camp Ingersoll is excited to start its 24 Fall Session of Mountain Biking! This program will meet on Mondays and some Thursdays starting September 23rd and ending October 30th.
This program is available to anyone between the ages of 10 -15. The cost per session is $100 for Y Members, $120 for Program Members, and $150 for Non-Y Members.
We will meet at least once per week from 4:30 - 6:00 pm. We will start our rides with instruction and skill based activities and then progress to rides on the camp trails as well as meeting at Wadsworth Falls and Hurd State Park.

Individuals are encouraged to use their own mountain bikes but Camp Ingersoll does have a number of medium and large sized bikes available for use. Participants should wear comfortable athletic clothing while preparing to ride rain or shine. Riders should bring water bottles, an extra bike tube, snacks if desired, a helmet that fits, and riding gloves (gardening/work/thin ski liners also work).
Throughout the session we will be focusing on body position, bike set up, switching gears, traversing obstacles, and riding in all conditions!
Monday, September 23 - Camp Ingersoll
Monday, September 30 - Camp Ingersoll
Wednesday, October 2 - Wadsworth Falls State Park, Middletown
Monday, October 7 - Camp Ingersoll
Monday, October 14 - Camp Ingersoll
Monday, October 21 - Hurd State Park, East Hampton
Monday, Ocotber 28 - Wadsworth Falls State Park, Middletown
Wednesday, October 30 - Camp Ingersoll